Blessing of houses, Eastern Orthodox feast of the Baptism of Christ/Theophany (Vadokhryshcha), Tsjerablichy 2020. Асьвячэньне хат, Вадохрышча, Цераблічы 2020 г.
Tag: айцец Віталь
Photos of the Day for March 5, 2020
Blessing of houses, Eastern Orthodox feast of the Baptism of Christ/Theophany (Vadokhryshcha), Tsjerablichy 2020. Асьвячэньне хат, Вадохрышча, Цераблічы 2020 г.
Photo of the Day for March 4, 2020
Father Vital’ and three of the members of the church choir on their rounds to bless houses, Orthodox feast of the Baptism of Christ/Theophany (Vadokhryshcha), Tsjerablichy 2020. The Eastern Orthodox custom of blessing houses on Vadokhryshcha corresponds to the similar western Christian practice on Epiphany. Айцец Віталь з трыма чальцамі царкоўнага хору па дарозе на… Continue reading Photo of the Day for March 4, 2020
Photos of the Day for September 9, 2019
Blessing of water before the start of the liturgy, patronal feast of the Holy Trinity, Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity, Azdamichy 2019. Асьвячэньне вады перад пачаткам літургіі, прастольнае сьвята Сьвятой Тройцы, Аздамічы 2019 г. Blessing the water is Father Nicholas, who is from Azdamichy and served as an acolyte for Azdamichy’s Father Aljaksandr. … Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 9, 2019