Photos of the Day for May 3, 2020

Photo excursion through Baranavichy District, winter 2020:  Bjarozauka, Drahabyl’lje, Staryja Vojkavichy, Torchytsy, Stalovichy, Vjalikaja Kaupjenitsa Зімовая фотавандроўка па Баранавіцкім раёне 2020 г.: Бярозаўка, Драгабыльле, Старыя Войкавічы, Торчыцы, Сталовічы, Вялікая Каўпеніца   Second Polish Republic monument from the 1920s to three campaigns of the Polish army (“Three Crosses” monument, signifiying the campaign of 1604 against Muscovy,… Continue reading Photos of the Day for May 3, 2020