Photo excursion through Baranavichy District, winter 2020: Bjarozauka, Drahabyl’lje, Staryja Vojkavichy, Torchytsy, Stalovichy, Vjalikaja Kaupjenitsa Зімовая фотавандроўка па Баранавіцкім раёне 2020 г.: Бярозаўка, Драгабыльле, Старыя Войкавічы, Торчыцы, Сталовічы, Вялікая Каўпеніца World War I cemeteries (part XXXVI): German memorial and site of former German cemetery. Могілкі Першай сусьветнай вайны (частка XXXVI): нямецкі палкавы помнік і… Continue reading Photos of the Day for May 2, 2020
Tag: Deutsche Friedhöfe
Photos of the Day for March 30, 2020
January 2020 photo expedition along the World War I Eastern Front: Pinsk, Parechcha, Al’shanka, Tsjeljakhany, S’vjataja Volja. Фотавандроўка ў студзені 2020 г. па лініі фронту Першай сусьветнай вайны: Пінск, Парэчча, Альшанка, Целяханы, Сьвятая Воля. World War I cemeteries (part XXXV): German World War I cemetery, S’vjataja Volja. From September 1915 to November 1917 the… Continue reading Photos of the Day for March 30, 2020
Photos of the Day for March 29, 2020
January 2020 photo expedition along the World War I Eastern Front: Pinsk, Parechcha, Al’shanka, Tsjeljakhany, S’vjataja Volja. Фотавандроўка ў студзені 2020 г. па лініі фронту Першай сусьветнай вайны: Пінск, Парэчча, Альшанка, Целяханы, Сьвятая Воля. World War I cemeteries (part XXXIV): German World War I cemetery, Tsjeljakhany. From September 1915 to November 1917 the World… Continue reading Photos of the Day for March 29, 2020
Photos of the Day for March 27, 2020
January 2020 photo expedition along the World War I Eastern Front: Pinsk, Parechcha, Al’shanka, Tsjeljakhany, S’vjataja Volja. Фотавандроўка ў студзені 2020 г. па лініі фронту Першай сусьветнай вайны: Пінск, Парэчча, Альшанка, Целяханы, Сьвятая Воля. World War I cemeteries (part XXXIII): German World War I cemetery, Al’shanka (Pinsk District). From September 1915 to November 1917… Continue reading Photos of the Day for March 27, 2020
Photos of the Day for March 23, 2020
January 2020 photo expedition along the World War I Eastern Front: Pinsk, Parechcha, Al’shanka, Tsjeljakhany, S’vjataja Volja. Фотавандроўка ў студзені 2020 г. па лініі фронту Першай сусьветнай вайны: Пінск, Парэчча, Альшанка, Целяханы, Сьвятая Воля. World War I cemeteries (part XXXII): German World War I cemetery, Parechcha. From September 1915 to November 1917 the World… Continue reading Photos of the Day for March 23, 2020
Photos of the Day for March 22, 2020
January 2020 photo expedition along the World War I Eastern Front: Pinsk, Parechcha, Al’shanka, Tsjeljakhany, S’vjataja Volja. Фотавандроўка ў студзені 2020 г. па лініі фронту Першай сусьветнай вайны: Пінск, Парэчча, Альшанка, Целяханы, Сьвятая Воля. World War I cemeteries (part XXXII): German World War I cemetery, Parechcha. From September 1915 to November 1917 the World… Continue reading Photos of the Day for March 22, 2020
Photos of the Day for March 20, 2020
January 2020 photo expedition along the World War I Eastern Front: Pinsk, Parechcha, Al’shanka, Tsjeljakhany, S’vjataja Volja. Фотавандроўка ў студзені 2020 г. па лініі фронту Першай сусьветнай вайны: Пінск, Парэчча, Альшанка, Целяханы, Сьвятая Воля. World War I cemeteries (part XXXI): German World War I cemetery, Pinsk. From September 1915 to November 1917 the World… Continue reading Photos of the Day for March 20, 2020
Photos of the Day for May 1, 2018
April 2017 photo expedition to Vjaljejka, Mjadzjel and Pastavy Districts with Anton Astapovich, chairman of the Belarusian Association for the Preservation of Historic and Cultural Monuments (БДТАПГК) and regional historian and conservationist Andrej Matsur. Part III/IV: along the trace of the Eastern Front — German imperial army World War I fortifications and cemeteries in Pastavy… Continue reading Photos of the Day for May 1, 2018