Photos of the Day for October 14, 2016

Feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016.  After the blessing of apples, parishioners hurry to the cemetery to place blessed fruit on the graves of their forebears. Праабражэньне Гасподняе/Яблычны Спас, Аздамічы 2016 г.  Прыхаджане сьпяшацца на могілкі, каб пакласьці асьвячоныя плоды на магілы продкаў…   …пакудь хор дасьпявае апошныя песьні пасьля пяцігадзіннай службы.

Photos of the Day for October 11, 2016

Blessing of apples, Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016. Father Aljaksandr makes three circuits of the churchyard to cense the apples, to bless them with water, and to offer the cross for parishioners to kiss before they hurry to the cemetery to place blessed fruit on the graves of their forebears. Асьвячэньне… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 11, 2016

Photos of the Day for October 10, 2016

Children’s communion, Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016. Children receive communion in the Orthodox tradition; the rite is a powerful and moving example of parents’ and grandparents’ transmission of faith and tradition to their offspring. Дзіцячае прычасьце, Праабражэньне Гасподняе/Яблячны Спас, Аздамічы 2016 г.  

Photos of the Day for October 9, 2016

Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016. The church of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration with a five-hour service of Matins and the Liturgy, including a half-hour break roughly in the middle and the blessing of apples at the end. Праабражэньне Гасподняе/Яблячны Спас, Аздамічы 2016 г.  … Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 9, 2016