Photos of the Day for August 30, 2017

Patronal feast of the Holy Trinity, Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity (I/ VIII), Azdamichy 2017. Priests from surrounding parishes and from the Pinsk-Luninets archdiocese joined Father Aljaksandr to celebrate Azdamichy’s patronal feast on the third day of Trinity (June 6 in 2017). Сьвятары, прастольнае сьвята Сьвятой Тройцы ў царкве Сьвятой Тройцы (I/ VIII), Аздамічы… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 30, 2017

Photos of the Day for August 28, 2017

Trinity Monday photo expedition through Pinsk and Stolin Districts:  Polkhava, Mjasjatsichy, Vujvichy, Tyrvovichy, Sitsitsk, Plotnitsa, Rukhcha, Radchytsk, Stolin, Davyd-Haradok. Фотавандроўка ў дзень Сьвятога Духа па Пінскім і Столінскім раёнах:  Полхава, Мясяцічы, Вуйвічы, Тырвовічы, Сіціцк, Плотніца, Рухча, Радчыцк, Столін, Давыд-Гарадок.   The district seat of Stolin in central Polesia (Pripet Marshes) still contains a range of… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 28, 2017

Photos of the Day for August 27, 2017

Trinity Monday photo expedition through Pinsk and Stolin Districts:  Polkhava, Mjasjatsichy, Vujvichy, Tyrvovichy, Sitsitsk, Plotnitsa, Rukhcha, Radchytsk, Stolin, Davyd-Haradok. Фотавандроўка ў дзень Сьвятога Духа па Пінскім і Столінскім раёнах:  Полхава, Мясяцічы, Вуйвічы, Тырвовічы, Сіціцк, Плотніца, Рухча, Радчыцк, Столін, Давыд-Гарадок.   Allee of former Skirmunt estate toward Orthodox church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 27, 2017

Photos of the Day for August 17, 2017

Patronal feast of Holy Trinity, Mjestkavichy 2017. The Orthodox parish of the Holy Trinity in Mjestkavichy near Pinsk celebrates its patronal feast on the second day of Trinity, which Orthodoxy marks as the day of the Holy Spirit. Прастольнае сьвята Сьвятой Тройцы, Месткавічы пад Пінскам 2017 г. Прыход Сьвятой Тройцы ў Месткавічах сьвяткуе свае прастольне… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 17, 2017

Photos of the Day for August 14, 2017

Orthodox Trinity Sunday/Pentecost:  portraits of Polesia.  Azdamichy 2017. Сёмуха/Тройца:  партрэты Палесься.  Аздамічы 2017 г.    

Photos of the Day for August 10, 2017

Orthodox Trinity Sunday/Pentecost. Eastern Orthodoxy celebrates the feast of  Trinity on the same day as Pentecost, whereas western churches celebrate Trinity on the Sunday following Pentecost.  In Belarus the feast is traditionally called Sjomukha (Сёмуха), from the word for “seven”, since the feast falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter.  In popular tradition marking the… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 10, 2017

Photos of the Day for August 6, 2017

Baskets of garden produce, Tsjerablichy 2012, 2013. Ураджай з агароду, Цераблічы 2012, 2013 гг.    

Photos of the Day for August 2, 2017

Portraits of Polesia.  Karotsichy 2017. Партрэты Палесься.  Кароцічы 2017 г.   Parishioners from Azdamichy attending the spring feast of St. Nicholas (Mikola) in Karotsichy. Любімыя бабулечкі-прыхаджанкі з суседніх Аздаміч на прастольным сьвяце Міколы ў Кароцічах.   Parishioners from Karotsichy. Гаспадынькі-прыхаджанкі з Кароціч.