Crafts fair, Braslau Museum of Traditional Culture 2016. Кірмаш рамёстваў, Браслаўскі музэй традыцыйнай культуры 2016 г. It was a great pleasure to meet museum curator Natasha again after several years and to see examples of her weaving. Вельмі прыемна было ўбачыцца зноў з куратаркай музэя спадарыняй Наташай і глядзець на узоры яе ткацтва. … Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 11, 2016
Month: September 2016
Photo of the Day for September 10, 2016
Braslau Lakes region 2016. Браслаўшчына 2016 г. In the woods near Majak lookout. Ля гары Маяк.
Photo of the Day for September 9, 2016
Braslau Lakes region 2016. Браслаўшчына 2016 г. Belarus in Faces (part CCVII): three of the grandchildren of farmers Miroslav and Valjantsina Karol’, Ljavoshki. Беларусь у тварах (частка CCVII): трое з унукаў і унучак Міраслава й Валянціны Кароляў, Лявошкі.
Photos of the Day for September 8, 2016
Braslau Lakes region: Ikazn’ 2016. Браслаўскія азёры: Іказнь 2016 г. Moose off the Slabodka-Ikazn’ road. It was such a surprise to see this young moose in an open field that I forgot to change to a telephoto lens. The moose, curious about the car, followed on a parallel track before cutting across the road… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 8, 2016
Photos of the Day for September 7, 2016
Braslau Lakes Region: Slabodka 2016. Браслаўскія азёры: Слабодка 2016 г. The gleaming spires of the Roman Catholic church of Divine Providence in Slabodka are visible for miles across the Braslau Lakes and from the countryside to the west and northwest. Churches of Belarus (part CLXXX): Roman Catholic church of Divine Providence (1903). Касьцёлы… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 7, 2016
Photos of the Day for September 6, 2016
Braslau Lakes Region: Villages on the Shores of Lakes Vojsa and Njedrava 2016. Браслаўскія азёры: вёскі на беразе азёраў Войса й Недрава 2016 г. Near Zarechcha. Ля в. Зарэчча. The offspring of the woman who owns this homestead in Kreunja return often to help her keep the house, the orchard and garden, and… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 6, 2016
Photos of the Day for September 5, 2016
Braslau and the Braslau Lakes region. Браслаўшчына. Old Believers’ cemetery near Kryvasjel’tsy 2016. Стараверскія могілкі ля вёскі Крывасельцы 2016 г.
Photos of the Day for September 4, 2016
Braslau and the Braslau Lakes region. Браслаўшчына. Belarus in Faces (part CCVI): Uladzik, Pirtani 2016. Беларусь у тварах (частка CCVI): Уладзік, Піртані 2016 г. When our friends’ neighbor Uladzik rode by to say hello, we mentioned we had heard he was raising rabbits and asked if he would show them to us. He quietly… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 4, 2016
Photos of the Day for September 3, 2016
Braslau and the Braslau lakes region 2016: along the shore of Lake Volasa. Браслаўшчына 2016 г.: уздоўж набярэжжа возера Воласа. Old Believers’ cemetery in Krasnahorka. As in other Old Believers’ cemeteries, the cemetery in Krasnahorka is replete with ancient names: Jevstignjej, Fjebrusa, Larijon, Kirijak, Paramon, Ripsinjeja, Savva, Feoktsista. Стараверскія могілкі ў Краснагорцы са старадаўнымі… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 3, 2016
Photos of the Day for September 2, 2016
Braslau and the Braslau lakes region 2016: hamlets on the shore of Lake Volasa. Браслаўшчына 2016 г.: пасёлкі ля возера Воласа. A fine example of a stone barn/root cellar (late 19th century?), near Shvjady. Узор мураванага сьвірана/лёху (позна 19-а ст.?), ля Швядаў. Lock on the gate to a barnyard, near Shvjady. Навясны замок… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 2, 2016