Photos of the Day for October 8, 2016

Feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing Feast – Jablychny Spas) 2016.

This year marked the tenth time in a row I have had the good fortune to celebrate the August 19 Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing Feast – Jablychny Spas) with the parishioners of the church of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy.  It was also the second year in a row I have been able to celebrate the blessing of apples with the parish of the Resurrection in Tsjerablichy.

Falling in the middle of the Orthodox two-week Dormition fast, the feast of the Transfiguration subsumes the pre-Christian harvest rite of blessing apples.  In memory of children who have died young, women who have lost a child avoid eating new apples or other newly-ripe fruit before the blessing.  It is a traditional Belarusan belief that deferring the eating of apples permits deceased children to receive apples from the Lord in heaven first.

Праабражэньне Гасподняе (Яблычны Спас) 2016 год.

Сёлета дзясяты год запар пашансавала мне сьвяткаваць Праабражэньне/Яблычны Спас з прыхаджанамі царквы Сьвятой Тройцы ў Аздамічах й другі год запар пашансавала прысутнічаць на асьвячэньні яблыкаў прыхаджанаў царквы Ўваскрасеньня Хрыстова ў суседнай вёсцы Цераблічы.



Apples ripening on the eve of the feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Tsjerablichy 2016.

Яблыкі напярэдадні Праабражэньня Гасподняга/Яблычнага Спаса, Цераблічы 2016 г.


Baskets full of the season’s first apples and pears, feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016.

У чаканьні асьвячэньня яблыкаў, сьвята Праабражэньня/Яблячнага Спаса, Аздамічы 2016 г.

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