Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016.
The church of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy celebrates the feast of the Transfiguration with a five-hour service of Matins and the Liturgy, including a half-hour break roughly in the middle and the blessing of apples at the end.
Праабражэньне Гасподняе/Яблячны Спас, Аздамічы 2016 г.
Beginning of Matins. Пачатак ютрані.
Father Aljaksandr blesses the Host. Айцец Аляксандр асьвячае просвіру.
Anointing with oil. Мірапамазаньне.
Toward the end of Matins. Напрыканцы ютрані.