Photos of the Day for October 21, 2016

Harvest-time in Polesia (Pripet Marshes).  Tsjerablichy 2016. Ураджай у сярэдняй Прыпяці.  Цераблічы 2016 г.     Onions.  Цыбуля.         Apple season.  Пора яблыкаў.  

Photo of the Day for October 20, 2016

Horses by dyke at the River Moustva, Tsjerablichy 2016.  As mechanized transport becomes more prevalent in the central Pripet Marshes, more and more small-holders have given up using horses.  It is thus even more of a welcome sight to see some of the remaining horses in Tsjerablichy grazing by the dyke.  The dyke was erected… Continue reading Photo of the Day for October 20, 2016

Photos of the Day for October 10, 2016

Children’s communion, Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016. Children receive communion in the Orthodox tradition; the rite is a powerful and moving example of parents’ and grandparents’ transmission of faith and tradition to their offspring. Дзіцячае прычасьце, Праабражэньне Гасподняе/Яблячны Спас, Аздамічы 2016 г.  

Photos of the Day for October 6, 2016

Polesian roads:  from the Sporava Marsh Preserve to Pinsk 2016, part IV/V. Палескія дарогі:  са Спораўскага заказніку ў Пінск 2016 г., частка IV/V.   Wooden window-frame decorations, Zavjersha. Ліштвы, Заверша.     Crosses of Belarus (part LXI): Drobjaty. Крыжы Беларусі (частка LXI), Дробяты.     Churches of Belarus (part CLXXXV):  Orthodox church of the Birth… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 6, 2016

Photos of the Day for October 4, 2016

Polesian roads:  from the Sporava Marsh Preserve to Pinsk 2016, part II/V:  Bjezdzjezh. The Polesian village of Bjezdzjezh in Drahichyn District of western Belarus is known for its Easter-day fair on the village square, where the 1784 wooden Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity stands.  Bjezdzjezh is also well-known for its tradition of hand-embroidered aprons… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 4, 2016

Photos of the Day for October 3, 2016

Polesian roads:  from the Sporava Marsh Preserve to Pinsk 2016, part I/V. Wandering Belarus’ back roads is a pleasure for a photographer.  One needs to forget sticking rigidly to a schedule, for in the slow passage through village and forest, past pastures and fields, one absorbs the deep history and even deeper rhythms of the nation… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 3, 2016

Photos of the Day for October 2, 2016

Festival and fair at the tenth annual Sporauski scything competition, Vysokaje (Sporauski Wetlands Preserve) 2016. Фестываль пры дзясятых штогадовых Спораўскіх сенакосах, Высокае (Спораўскі заказнік) 2016 г.:  рамонт кос.   Ljudmila, Halina and Maryja in Belarusian traditional embroidered costumes from Drahichyn District with a beautiful display of hand-embroidered aprons and runners from the area around Bjezdzjezh.… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 2, 2016

Photos of the Day for October 1, 2016

Tenth annual Sporauski scything competition, Vysokaje (Sporauski Wetlands Preserve) 2016:  scythe repair. Дзясятыя штогадовыя Спораўскія сенакосы, Высокае (Спораўскі заказнік) 2016 г.:  рамонт кос.       Ivan Makouchyk, from the neighboring village of Pjerasudavichy, repairing a scythe. Спадар Іван Макоўчык, з суседнай вёскі Перасудавічы, рамантуе касу.

Photos of the Day for September 30, 2016

Tenth annual Sporauski scything competition, Vysokaje (Sporauski Wetlands Preserve) 2016:  top finishers in the team competition. Дзясятыя штогадовыя Спораўскія сенакосы, Высокае (Спораўскі заказнік) 2016 г.:  першыя месцы ў камандным спаборніцтве.     Team champions:  Aljaksandr Shykula and Viktar Dashkjevich, “Kakorytskija asilki”, Kakorytsa.  A month later they won the European championship in Poland.  Congratulations to the… Continue reading Photos of the Day for September 30, 2016

Photos of the Day for September 29, 2016

Tenth annual Sporauski scything competition, Vysokaje (Sporauski Wetlands Preserve) 2016:  first round of the team competition. Дзясятыя штогадовыя Спораўскія сенакосы, Высокае (Спораўскі заказнік) 2016 г.:  першы раўнд каманднага спаборніцтва.