Harvest-time in Polesia (Pripet Marshes). Tsjerablichy 2016. Ураджай у сярэдняй Прыпяці. Цераблічы 2016 г. Onions. Цыбуля. Apple season. Пора яблыкаў.
Month: October 2016
Photo of the Day for October 20, 2016
Horses by dyke at the River Moustva, Tsjerablichy 2016. As mechanized transport becomes more prevalent in the central Pripet Marshes, more and more small-holders have given up using horses. It is thus even more of a welcome sight to see some of the remaining horses in Tsjerablichy grazing by the dyke. The dyke was erected… Continue reading Photo of the Day for October 20, 2016
Photo of the Day for October 19, 2016
And thus it is hard for me to believe, That you will come home no more. So I always remove my hat Before the grave of one unknown.. Final stanza of the poem “To my father” by national poet of Belarus Ryhor Baradulin (1935-2014). He wrote the poem in memory of his father, who… Continue reading Photo of the Day for October 19, 2016
Photos of the Day for October 18, 2016
Blessing of Apples, Orthodox feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Tsjerablichy 2016. The timing of feast-day celebrations differed between the neighboring villages of Azdamichy and Tsjerablichy. Therefore it was possible to attend the blessing of apples in Tsjerablichy during the break in the Azdamichy service. Асьвячэньне яблыкаў, Яблычны Спас, царква Ўваскрасеньня Хрыстова, Цераблічы 2016 г.… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 18, 2016
Photos of the Day for October 17, 2016
Polesia in faces. Generations, Azdamichy 2016. Палесьсе ў тварах. Пакаленьні, Аздамічы 2016 г.
Photos of the Day for October 16, 2016
Polesia in faces, Azdamichy 2016. Палесьсе ў тварах, Аздамічы 2016 г. Polka-dots. “У гарошак“.
Photo of the Day for October 15, 2016
Polesia in faces, Azdamichy 2016. Палесьсе ў тварах, Аздамічы 2016 г.
Photos of the Day for October 14, 2016
Feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016. After the blessing of apples, parishioners hurry to the cemetery to place blessed fruit on the graves of their forebears. Праабражэньне Гасподняе/Яблычны Спас, Аздамічы 2016 г. Прыхаджане сьпяшацца на могілкі, каб пакласьці асьвячоныя плоды на магілы продкаў… …пакудь хор дасьпявае апошныя песьні пасьля пяцігадзіннай службы.
Photos of the Day for October 13, 2016
Blessing of apples, feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016. After the blessing of apples, parishioners pack up their apples and await the third circuit, when Father Aljaksandr offers the cross to be kissed. The kissing of the cross is another moment which demonstrates parents’ and grandparents’ keen interest in passing on their faith… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 13, 2016
Photos of the Day for October 12, 2016
Blessing of apples, feast of the Transfiguration (Apple-Blessing feast), Azdamichy 2016. On his second circuit around the churchyard, Father Aljaksandr blesses the apples with water. Асьвячэньне яблыкаў вадой, Праабражэньне (Яблычны Спас), Аздамічы 2016 г.