Photo of the Day for September 4, 2020

Photo expedition in Voranava District 2012: Zhyrmuny, Bjenjakoni, Hajtsjunishki, Kanvjelishki, Bol’tsinki, Hjermanishki, Asava, Paharodna, Nacha, Radun’, Pjeljasa, Zabalats’   Фотавандроўка па Воранаўскім раёне 2012 г.: Жырмуны, Беняконі, Гайцюнішкі, Канвелішкі, Больцінкі, Германішкі, Асава, Пагародна, Нача, Радунь, Пеляса, Забалаць     Sorting the potato harvest. Адбор бульбы.  

Photo of the Day for December 24, 2018

Belarusian yard:  everything in order.  Azdamichy 2018. Чысьценькі, акуратны палескі двор.  Аздамічы 2018 г.  

Photo of the Day for October 21, 2018

Harvest-time in Polesia (Pripet Marshes):  fields of squash in Tsjwerablichy 2018. Пора ўраджаю на Палесьсі:  арбуз на агародзе.  Цераблічы 2018 г.      

Photos of the Day for October 25, 2017

Last harvest days before Pakrou (feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Mother of God).  It is still a strongly-observed tradition in Belarus to clear the harvest from garden plots and field allotments before the feast of Pakrou on October 14 in order to ensure the the Mother of God’s protection of the land during… Continue reading Photos of the Day for October 25, 2017