Photos of the Day for June 1, 2019

Eastertide portraits of Polesia:  great-grandmother Marusja, Tsjerablichy 2007 and 2019. Велікодныя партрэты Палесься: прабабуля Маруся, Цераблічы 2007 і 2019 гг.   It is a pleasure to greet great-grandmother Marusja, whom one always finds hard at work.  In fact, Marusja was the first person from Tsjerablichy I ever photographed:  she was walking briskly home when we… Continue reading Photos of the Day for June 1, 2019

Photo of the Day for May 31, 2019

Eastertide portraits of Polesia:  newly-planted potato patch, Tsjerablichy 2019. The slow but steady spread of small-scale mechanized farm machinery produces new patterns at planting season. Веоікодныя партрэты Палесься: нядаўна пасаджаная бульба ў агародзе, Цераблічы 2019 г.